If you, or your child, seek Baptism, please contact the parish priest on 0473 493 153 or to arrange an interview and a date/time for the baptism. Baptisms are generally performed on Sundays (except during lent – the six Sundays before Easter Day). For exceptional circumstances the parish priest will permit baptisms on a day other than Sunday.
If you are seeking to get married at St Bart’s, please contact the parish priest on 0473 493 153 or
One of the partners must be a Christian (that is baptised). Weddings are permitted on any day of the week or time of the year (except during Lent – the seven weeks prior to Easter day). The celebration of Holy Matrimony can be held in the church or at another suitable and dignified venue or setting.
The wedding service can only be the Marriage Rite of the Anglican Church of Australia, and only the parish priest (or another Anglican priest given permission by the parish priest) may officiate at the wedding. The parish priest may grant a minister of another denomination permission to assist at wedding.
Music is provided only by the church. We have excellent musicians and instruments (Pipe Organ & Grand Piano) available. No recorded music is permitted under any circumstance.
Please complete the Notice of Intended Marriage form in the following link and bring to your first meeting with the Vicar.
Confetti? As much as you like!
The bells of St Bart’s have rung out since 1927, announcing thousands of newly married couples and other services. The six “Burnley Bells” were made at Whitechapel Foundry, London, England, in 2014, replacing an earlier set made in Australia in 1927. The bells are an optional choice to be rung at a wedding.
For all married couples, we as a parish we will do anything we can to help and support you in your marriage, such as:
- make you welcome and included the life of the parish
- baptise and confirm your children
- help to sustain and nurture your relationship
Same sex marriage
Regrettably, the Anglican Church of Australia only permits the conducting of marriages by the church of two people of the opposite gender. This is not going to change into the foreseeable future. We are not permitted by church law to officiate at same sex weddings.
There is a new provision – passed by the Diocese of Wangaratta – that permits the blessing a civil marriage (as defined in 2017) which is at least something the Anglican Church can offer as a liturgical and pastoral ministry.
In the meantime we can offer the following options for you:
- assist you to spiritually prepare for your wedding
- help find a civil celebrant who is sympathetic to Christian values
- help to find a church that permits SSM and give our recommendation on your behalf – The Uniting Church of Australia is one example
- put you in touch with a priest who is authorised to bless civil marriages as defined by the current Marriage Act.
We again apologise that the Anglican Church of Australia thinks less of your relationship and treats you differently. As a parish we will do anything we can to help and support you in your married life, such as:
- make you and your family welcome and included the life of the parish
- baptise and confirm your children
- help to sustain and nurture your relationship
If you would like to bid farewell to your loved one at St Bart’s please contact the parish priest on 0473 493 153 to arrange an interview and set a date and time.
Sacraments, Sacramental Rites & Rites of the Church
A sacrament is a Christian ritual that consists of an action with set words (the outward sign) that imparts God’s gift of grace (the inner reality) to the person who is the recipient of the Sacrament.
The Anglican Church of Australia has two Sacraments – Baptism and Eucharist. These two sacraments are known as the ‘domenical sacraments’ because they were instituted by Jesus and commanded by him to be faithfully enacted by his disciples.
The Anglican Church of Australia also has five other Sacramental Rites that are like sacraments. They are Confession, Confirmation, Holy Matrimony, Holy Orders & Anointing of the Sick. These five Sacramental Rituals have developed within the life of the church as it met the needs of the Christian community with pastoral care, ongoing ministerial leadership, and the sanctification of life occasions and lifestyles.
The Anglican Church of Australia also has a variety of Rites which are designed to assist people in various ways eg Funeral & Burial Rites, Memorial Services, the blessing of homes, the naming of a child (not baptism), Commemorative Services (eg ANZAC Day).
Sacraments of Christian Initiation
- Baptism
- Confirmation
- Eucharist
Sacraments of the church
- Reconciliation (Penance)
- Holy Matrimony
- Holy Orders
- Anointing
Rites of the Church
- Funerals
- House blessings
- Memorial Services