Our Vision
To live as citizens of, and invite others into, God’s Kingdom.
Our Mission
The Mission of St Bartholomew’s Anglican Church, Burnley, is to be a community who value the blessings and trust in the promises of God’s Kingdom within the cultural and social context of Richmond, Melbourne:
- To live humbly before God and with all people
- To be dependent on God’s comfort
- To be gentle with people and all creation
- To hunger and thirst for the right ways of God
- To show mercy and compassion toward others
- To live with purity in motive and deed
- To be passionate for peace
- To persevere in the face of opposition
based on the Beatitudes (Matthew 5:3-10) and adopted by the 2015 Annual Meeting
We Believe
- there is one God, who is a Trinity of Persons
- in the person of Jesus Christ, the Word made flesh, the Servant King
- in the teachings of holy Scriptures, interpreted by
- tradition
- reason
- in the work and mission of the Anglican Church that:
- is a part of the one, holy, catholic and apostolic church
- maintains the threefold orders of ministry (Bishops, Priests and Deacons) in Apostolic Succession
- is a global communion of autonomous churches grouped nationally or by region.
- in a tradition that is
- liturgical
- sacramental
- in a ministry that is oriented toward
- pastoral care
- social justice
We are
a Christian community in the Anglican tradition that is:
- friendly and hospitable
- inclusive and open
- made up of people who are old and young, of many languages and cultures, straight and LGBTIQ+, single or married or separated/divorced or widowed.
- called to be a people modeled on Christ, the servant of reconciliation and peace
We have
- a fine tradition in liturgy and music, outreach and pastoral care
- a well maintained precinct with
- a beautiful church
- a hall
- a vicarage
- an Opportunity Shop
- a social enterprise Cafe (under construction)
- lovely gardens
- a refurbished bell tower with a newly installed peal of six bells